Tonkunstler Orchestra · Konzertchor Interpunkt · Johanna Falkinger · Lucija Varsic · Anja Mittermüller · Nick Pritchard · Derek Welton · Stefan Gottfried
Soon available
From 27/08/2025 We 09.00Cast
- Orchester Tonkünstler-Orchester Niederösterreich
- Chor Konzertchor Interpunkt
- Sopran I Johanna Falkinger
- Sopran II Lucija Varsic
- Alt Anja Mittermüller
- Tenor Nick Pritchard
- Bass Derek Welton
- Dirigent Stefan Gottfried
- 00:10:00 Francesco Geminiani
- 00:30:00 Johann Sebastian Bach
- - Pause -
- 00:30:00 Johann Sebastian Bach
Supporting programs
WeihnachtskonzertHow to book
At this point this concert is exclusively available in our Saturday-Subscription 2025/26. The single ticket purchase starts on 27 August 2025 (exclusively for members of the Friends of Grafenegg and Grafenegg Card holders), respectively 10 September 2025 (general purchase).
No artform can transport us so completely into other spheres as music. In his cantata «Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben» («Heart and Mouth and Deed and Life») BWV 147, Johann Sebastian Bach opens a portal to a better world right from the splendid opening chorus, while in his «Magnificat» BWV 243 thundering trumpets and an extraordinarily virtuosic choral movement only add to the effect. You may remember that the Magnificat is the famous song of praise in the Gospel of Luke that Mary sings when she visits her cousin Elizabeth and praises God – as protector of the poor and humble. Bach filled both the Magnificat and the cantata with wonderful, memorable solos from the singers as well as the orchestra players, especially the winds. BWV 147 also contains a true hit: the choral movement «Jesus bleibet meine Freude» («Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring»), which concludes both parts of the cantata and now lives a life of its own through countless adaptations.
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Tonkunstler Orchestra · Konzertchor Interpunkt · Johanna Falkinger · Lucija Varsic · Anja Mittermüller · Nick Pritchard · Derek Welton · Stefan Gottfried