Distance from to Wagram-Grafenegg railway station: 2,6 km (around 30 minutes’ walk). Trains from Vienna Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof to Wagram-Grafenegg are leaving hourly, from Bahnhof Krems an der Donau twice every hour.
During the Grafenegg Advent there are bus shuttles from the railway station to the event in accordance with the trains from Vienna and Krems.
Plan your public arrival with the VOR route planner
For all of Grafenegg’s own events, a bus service operates from the Musikverein Vienna. Bookings can be made by phone, online or in the box office. The bus ticket costs € 15. The return journey departs 15 minutes after the end of the concert. Please note that in case of a low booking situation the bus may be cancelled on short notice.