House and Park Rules
Auditorium – Reitschule – Wolkenturm – Castle – Old Barn
These house rules apply to the use of all premises located in the event area Auditorium - Reitschule - Wolkenturm - Castle - Old Barn (hereinafter referred to as the event area). All employees and visitors, as well as tenants and their associates, who are staying on the premises are subject to these house rules. The tenant acknowledges the house rules applying to the event area and commits himself/herself to ensure compliance with these. The tenant commits himself/herself particularly to treat all objects, rooms, and items, used in accordance with their intended purpose, in a correct manner and with care. In the event of disregard of these house rules and any further instructions issued by the management, the access to the event area can be denied permanently.
The Auditorium may only be entered via the designated and appropriately authorized entrances or driveways. External persons can get permitted access to the event area after prior notification of Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H. and only in official matters or with explicit permission. During guided tours, visitors may only use the authorized pathways. It is prohibited to step over barriers. The guides are to ensure that the house rules in general and the points mentioned above in particular will be respected. Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H. is to be informed about the number of employees authorized for access by the tenant. This does not permit the usage of seats.
Access to the artist dressing rooms and performance rooms is only granted to those directly employed there. Access to the stage, the technical operation rooms, the service corridors etc. is only granted to authorised persons. These are employees of the technical department of Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H, as well as instructed and/or authorised persons. The possibility of attending rehearsals will be announced respectively. The tenant or an empowered representative must be present during the event outside the auditorium.
It is not allowed to bring picture and sound recording devices. Visitors arriving late can only enter during intermissions.
The visitor acknowledges that he or she may be subject to image and sound recordings during his or her presence in the event area. This serves marketing and PR purposes. The visitor agrees not to assert claims of any kind in this regard.
The event area will be closed one hour after the performance or rehearsal. After that, entry to the event area is no longer permitted. For receptions or similar events, the closing hour of midnight at the latest must be respected. It is particularly mentioned that the stage area is only accessible during rehearsals and performances, except for employees of the technical department of Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H.. This applies exclusively to those directly involved in said rehearsals and performances.
Posters, printed media, and other announcements may only be displayed in the building, on the building and in front of the building as well as in the parking area with the prior consent of the Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H. in the designated areas in accordance with the available space.
The consumption of food and beverages is only permitted in the designated areas (dining and recreation rooms). It is particularly mentioned that the event halls and the stage may not be entered with food and beverages.
There is a strict prohibition of alcohol. This prohibition applies to all employees on duty and external staff provided by tenants. Smoking and handling of open flames is prohibited in the event area. This applies particularly to corridors, aisles, and dressing rooms. Smoking is only permitted in designated outdoor areas containing ashtrays. In this context, it is referred to the fire protection regulation, which is binding for every employee and tenant. The fire safety regulation is available at or will be provided in printed form upon request.
At the sound of the fire alarm, the event area is to be left immediately by the shortest route. Please respect the green indicators leading to the exits. Elevators may not be used in this case.
The decoration of halls and other premises requires the prior consent of the Grafenegg Event Management and is to be arranged according to their instructions. The tenant is liable for any resulting damage. Only materials of low flammability may be used.
During music events, there may be a risk of hearing and health injuries due to the volume, for which no liability in any form will be assumed. The tenant is obliged to control the volume of his or her equipment in the rented halls in such a way that other events or rehearsals in other halls are not being disturbed.
It is not permitted to bring pets to the event area.
The cloakrooms designated to the audience are operated exclusively by the Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H. for own events. Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H. assumes no liability for external events and operation through the tenant. Outer garments, umbrellas and walking canes are to be deposited in the designated cloakrooms. It is prohibited to take these items into the auditorium or leave them in other locations. There are securable lockers available in the artists' dressing rooms. Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H. does not assume any liability for items deposited there or elsewhere.
Damages caused by non-observance of the house rules and accident prevention regulations are subject to full personal liability.
Parking is only possible at the public parking lot. Delivery is only permitted via the supplier access. Transport vehicles may not be parked in the outdoor facilities.
All traffic lanes, escape routes and exits must remain unobstructed. Furnishings, chairs, and benches may not be relocated or placed in traffic routes or standing sectors. Standing sectors are only available in areas designated for this purpose.
On the evening of the event, the respective project manager on duty, as the authorised representative of Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H., has the final decision-making authority in case of a crisis or danger towards the employees of the event area, the audience and any external event operators, tenants, and suchlike. The project manager and the event operator reserve the right to expel any person who harasses other guests or by whom other guests feel harassed.
In case of celebrations or use of the gastronomic facilities by guests after events, the time of the closing hour and thus the clearing of the building is decided by the project manager on duty. The clearing of the building is to be carried out by the audience-service personnel.
Lost items are to be immediately deposited at the info point and will be handed out there after a proof of ownership has been provided.
Valid from 01 January 2023
§ 1. Scope of application
These park rules apply to the entire park area. For the usage of the parking lot outside of the castle walls (access Wiener Tor, east side of the premises) § 7 must be regarded in particular.
§ 2. Use of the park
- Entrance to the park premises is permitted until revocation. Especially during events on the premises, access may be denied.
- The park allows walks as well as the usage of the available resting areas. Any further usage is not permitted.
- Dogs must be kept on a leash.
- Any commercial activities, the placement of advertising materials and/or decorations as well as the distribution of advertising media of any kind are strictly prohibited and only permissible in consultation with the Grafenegg Kulturbetiebsges.m.b.H. within the course of events.
- Activities for commercial purposes, collections or events, parades or rallies are only permitted with the explicit written permission of the Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H..
- Lost items are to be immediately deposited at the info point.
§ 3. Use of pathways
- The paths are not freed from snow and ice during wintertime.
- Horseback riding is not permitted on the castle grounds.
- Access to the grounds by motor vehicles is only permitted to residents and suppliers with an appropriate and valid written access authorisation. In this case, the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) apply, as well as a limit to walking speed.
- During event construction and reconstruction work, there may be obstructions and obstacles on the public pathways. Installed cables as well as technical equipment may not be touched.
§ 4. Protection of the green spaces, planting spaces, and park equipment.
- Lying and resting in lawn areas for recreational purposes is permitted during the day, provided that no maintenance measures are being carried out simultaneously. Such areas may be accessed by wheelchairs, vehicle-like children's toys and baby carriages, bicycles may be pushed and parked for short periods of time.
- In order to protect the facility, the following is prohibited:
a) Usage of vehicles, bicycles, and other sport equipment aside the paths,
b) Stepping on flowerbeds,
c) Removal or damage of plants and plant parts (e.g., picking fruit, snapping off blossoms and stealing whole plants),
d) Usage of objects such as tables, benches, couches, or similar objects in green and planting spaces, unless these are provided by the Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H,
e) Camping, setting up tents, without the explicit written permission of the Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H,
f) Setting up fireplaces, usage of barbecue or cooking equipment,
g) Swimming, fishing, and ice-skating in/on the waters of the facility,
h) Damaging chemical, mechanical, or other effects on plantings of any kind (flowers, trees, shrubs, and the like), sculptures and structures,
i) Climbing on plants, sculptures, and structures,
j) Touching works of art and sculptures.
§ 5. Dangers, liability
- The stay is at one's own risk.
- The breaking of branches can also occur in the absence of wind. In case of strong wind, visitors must leave the park.
- Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H. does not assume any duty of supervision of any kind.
- Parents are liable for their children, supervisors for minors, owners for their pets.
- The instructions of the staff must be followed.
- In case of damage or imminent danger, the staff member at the info point (02735/5500) must be informed immediately. Outside business hours, the local fire department is to be notified.
- It is prohibited to bring dangerous objects such as flammable substances and weapons.
- Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H. is entitled to check clothing and any bags, purses, and suchlike to ensure compliance with the park rules.
§ 6. Keeping clean
- Only defecate in the toilets.
- Dog excrements must be removed immediately.
- Any deposit of garbage or objects is strictly prohibited.
- Any littering must be removed immediately. Any cleaning costs arising will be charged in the full amount, but at least with a standard cleaning fee of 50 euros per person.
- None of the facilities' objects may be soiled, smudged, spray-painted, covered, or damaged with paper, foils, or materials of any other kind.
Use of the parking lot on the east side of the premises (Wiener Tor)
- The accordingly marked areas outside the castle grounds (defined by the castle wall) can be used by visitors to park their vehicles for the duration of their stay on the premises. These spaces have been designed in a natural manner, partially unpaved, and contain sewage drains. The driving as well as parking in these areas is at one's own risk.
- The Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) apply.
- Access roads, entrances and driveways must be kept clear.
- The instructions of the parking lot supervisor must be followed without exception.
- Any damage to the installed or otherwise placed flower tubs, information boards and other objects, the misuse of them as seats, the change of their position or their removal, as well as the damage and removal of their contents are prohibited.
- Vehicles may only be parked in a parking space. When parking the vehicle, the floor markings must be respected. The designated reserved spots for handicapped persons must be respected without exception.
- Vehicles parked in violation of the traffic regulations and obstructing vehicular and pedestrian traffic may be towed away or immobilized at the owner's expense. Especially vehicles parked in marked towing zones, in closed parking lots and on driveways will be towed away at the owner's expense.
- Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges.m.b.H. does not assume liability for any damages to vehicles caused by third parties as well as for theft of vehicles and objects from outside of the vehicle.
§ 8. Delimitation clause
The commands and prohibitions of this regulation do not apply to acts or omissions that are already commanded or prohibited under a federal or provincial law.
§ 9. Final Clauses
- The visitors grant Grafenegg Kulturbetriebs.ges.m.b.H. all exclusive rights to sound and image recordings for journalistic and advertising purposes. The utilisation and circulation of such recordings and rights is authorised without restriction.
- With entry to the castle grounds or with the use of the provided facilities, the visitors accept the specified park rules.
Valid from 01 January 2023