Lake and art in the Castle Grounds.

Art in the grounds

Castle Grounds © Lisa Edi

An unreachable telephone booth in a clearing, clothes racks growing out of the ground between trees and a Memento Mori with deer in a box hedge - a walk through the castle grounds in Grafenegg is punctuated by artistic interventions. Art in the grounds is a puzzle of naturalness and human staging. Wonder, doubt, guess. Nothing is as it seems, and yet everything seems in its place. Between giant trees, fairytale-like paths, in front of a pond and in wide meadows, hidden or deliberately provocative: everywhere lurks the desire to question one's perception. Art turns the castle grounds into a gallery of natural-artificial surprises.

The collection of art installations is regularly expanded or changed.

A collaboration with Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich

Art in the grounds
Art in the grounds © Beatrice Schreiner

Art objects


Art objects

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